Sons of the American Legion Squadron 474
Chili Cookoff forms and info

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Keep The Spirit Alive, July 4 Fireworks for the Coastside

Photos of American Legion Sons Fireworks Fundraiser 2007

Photos of American Legion Sons Fireworks Fundraiser 2006

American Legion National Headquarters

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Legion Kids

National Archives and Records Administration
Upcoming Events

Chili Cookoff

Sunday September 12th - Alec Engel Memorial Chili Cookoff 1-4p.m. $5 Participants - $20 Competitors

  More to come

  **For all the details on these events,
      please contact the Post at 650-728-9224

  Executive Board Meeting -
      First Tuesday - 6:00 p.m.
  General Meeting -
      Third Tuesday - 7:00 p.m.
  Women's Auxiliary Meeting -
      First Wednesday - 7:00 p.m.
  Sons of the Legion Meeting -
      Second Tuesday - 7:00 p.m.  

Be sure to check out the photos
from the Sons Chefs Cookout fundraiser for the American Legion Coastside Fireworks


Squadron Officers

Commander... Mark Smith
1st Vice... Billy Bingle
Adjutant & Finance Officer... Bill Terry
Sgt at Arms... Brian Finlayson
Judge Advocate... Mike Duffy
Chaplain... Jet Turner
Historian... Tracy Niles


The American Legion Post 474 has been in Half Moon Bay since April 20th 1934. On that date a charter was signed and the post came into existence. The Sons of the American Legion charter was signed in 1987. All of the above continue their service to America by still serving their communities, by raising funds for local charities and to give support to our veterans nationally, and at our local Veterans Hospital in Menlo Park.

The American Legion, Woman’s Auxiliary, and Sons of the American Legion, all participate in the Fourth of July Parade, dressing in the uniform that depicts their branch of service they proudly lead the parade down the Main Street.

Veterans Day, and Memorial Day is a day we all work together to pay homage to those missing in action, and those who died for our country. Veterans from our local Menlo Park Veterans Hospital are invited to participate in services, a barbeque is held, it is a time of remembrance, this gives us the opportunity to reflect on those who fought so gallantly for God and our Country.

We are a non-profit 501 C-3 corporation. All contributions are tax deductible. Federal Tax ID number 51-0182162.

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